A Message for Teens
We want to help you find a therapy style that works best for you
A message for teens…
“So, your parents, a care giver, or someone from school thinks that you would really benefit from having a therapist. But, the thought of going to a stranger's office to talk about your most personal information sounds just as appealing as going to the dentist for a root canal. I totally understand why so many teens get turned off by meeting with someone or why many teens have not had positive experiences with therapy. We also know that there are tons of benefits to having someone you can talk with especially when life gets tough and you aren't really sure how to handle it. We have been working with teens for many years have supported many young adults work through many different issues. We have seen and heard it all and there is no problem too big or too small. Being a teen can be really hard. We totally get it. You are no longer a kid and not quiet an adult, so you are constantly in limbo between these two places. Sometimes the teen years are some of the best times of your life and other times it really sucks. Tons of different things start to come up that may not have been a problem when you were younger. Things like relationships and social problems, parent conflict, stress, anxiety, depression, anger, emotional roller coasters, self harm, drugs or alcohol, or trying to find some meaning in your life. It is so important to use your teen years to develop healthy habits and positive ways to cope with life's ups and downs. What you learn in your teen years will determine what kind of an adult you will be. Choosing a therapist is like choosing a friend. You don't always click with every person that you meet and you have the right to decide who will work with you. You can meet with one of us for a bit and figure out if we can help you before you invest more of your time. So, you have nothing to lose, but you could possibly gain a life time full of positive change.”
We look forward to it!